First and Second Term Achievements

When I ran for Bellevue City Council in 2017, I committed to advance housing affordability, transportation safety and mobility solutions, and addressing the tensions of growth and livability.

My 2019 re-election priorities broadened to include environmental sustainability and equitable access to city services. We've made steady progress in all these areas while also leading Bellevue successfully through a worldwide pandemic.

In 2023, Bellevue is in sound financial position emerging from the pandemic. I, along with my council colleagues, am making prudent policy decisions. This means voting to fund key investments in public safety, transportation, housing, climate action, and human services, to ensure a thriving, sustainable and welcoming Bellevue into our future.












Achievements by year on the Bellevue City Council


  • Advanced permanently affordable housing, with land use code changes for religious properties, enabling micro-housing and funding investments using Housing Stability Program to build in Bellevue (2,100 units since 2018, with another nearly 800 in the pipeline)
  • Adopted interim official control in Downtown Bellevue perimeter area to encourage housing development instead of more office construction
  • Updated Bellevue's Housing Needs Assessment to be data informed on the affordable housing gap
  • Pushed to simplify permitting processes and expediating permitting for affordable housing projects
  • Advanced Wilburton Commercial area vision/plan toward an urban, walkable, livable new neighborhood
  • Supported and pushed for adoption of a new apprenticeship program on city public works contracts
  • Successfully advocated for state funding to advance the Bellevue College Connection project
  • Advanced the project principles for Bike Bellevue
  • Developed an Autonomous Vehicle Strategic Vision for Bellevue
  • Liaison to Transportation Commission through the work to develop the city's first Curb Management Plan
  • Funded project to advance missing segments for EasTrail and Mountain to Sound Greenway trail projects
  • Led discussion to leverage the Keep Bellevue Beautiful Program to engage the community in graffiti removal
  • Advocated for federal funding and purchased first electric fire engine
  • Replaced aging ambulances and fire engines for the Bellevue Fire Department
  • Purchased two parcels to create a neighborhood park in Eastgate
  • Purchased an adjacent parcel to expand Newport Hills Woodlawn Park in Newport Hills
  • Adopted Parks Board recommendation for Airfield Park Master Plan update that includes aquatic center, pickleball courts and other active recreation, while balancing the preservation of trees
  • Launched new energy efficiency programs and decarbonization projects for community
  • Developed a green fleet plan and solarize City Hall and other city buildings
  • Initiated tree code update, continued tree giveaway and creating tree ambassadors toward 40% tree canopy goal
  • Pushed for climate and sustainability elements to be part of the 2044 Comprehensive Plan update
  • Established an implementation plan for the BelRed Arts District as part of Economic Development


  • Adopted landmark trees ordnance
  • Opened Newport Hills Woodlawn Park in Newport Hills
  • Liaison to Transportation Commission to adopt Mobility Implementation Plan and Multi-modal concurrency
  • Opened pedestrian and bike trail connection on Newport Way to improve traffic safety
  • Increased funding for human services to support the most vulnerable in our community
  • Started an Eviction Resolution Pilot Program to help landlords and tenants link to resources/create repayment plans
  • Initiated a pilot Safe Parking Program as part of the 2023-2024 budget
  • Pushed to advance supplier diversity for access to city contracts from local and small businesses
  • Voted to increase Bellevue Police funding and adding a transit unit in 2023-2024 budget
  • Bellevue Police Department restarted the Police Advisory Councils to continuously improve services
  • Advocated for federal funding and voted to fully fund Community Crisis Assistance Team as joint police/fire response to residents in behavior health crisis in 2023-2024 budget
  • Launched Anti-Crime initiative and Anti-Theft operations, and joined statewide Organized Retail Theft Task Force
  • Bellevue Police completed all Office of Independent Review recommendations
  • Thoughtfully updated the Bellevue Parks and Open Space Plan and parks levy to fund future park investments with enhanced maintenance that was passed by Bellevue voters
  • Continue to adopt policies with fiscal accountability and maintained Bellevue's AAA bond rating
  • Advanced affordable housing - updated Multi-Family Tax Exemption Program that resulted in 300 new affordable housing units in pipeline and deployed funds from Bellevue's Housing Stability Program
  • Advocated for tree giveaways, greening buildings and community participation with heat pump program
  • Led budget discussion to add staff for an Adopt-a-Litter program and promote waste reduction programs


  • Info added soon...
  • Continue leading through the pandemic and pivoting to recovery


  • Joined the Seattle King County Board of Health and acted as advisor to Public Health Director as cities and the county navigated the uncertainties of a pandemic
  • Responding to the pandemic, with our council, staff and partners all coming together to navigate this unprecedented challenge
    • Ensure Community Safety - providing masks, working with partners to stand up testing and vaccination sites, with mobile vaccination for most vulnerable
    • Providing Community Support - distributed funds to community-based organization partners to help neighbors stay housed, fed and other assistance 
    • Keeping businesses open - provided assistance to local businesses struggling with loss of revenue and higher expenses
    • Reduced our city expenses - to align with reduced revenues to stay within established budgets
    • Get creative and leverage technology - to provide virtual city services, host virtual meetings and outreach events
    • Bridge builder with federal level - advocated through the National League of Cities for direct pandemic relief funding to cities and shared info about funding, resources and what other cities were doing with Bellevue staff


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  • info added soon...
  • Voted for land use code amendment that allowed homeless shelters without overly restrictive
  • Provided funding for Vision Zero transportation safety starting in 2019 instead of waiting 2 years
  • Increased funding for environmental stewardship efforts in 2019 budget

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  • Eric Leung
    published this page 2023-05-29 23:32:27 -0700